
Squire Larry R., Kandel Eric R.

Combining insights from both cognitive neuroscience and molecular biology, two of the world's leading experts address memory from molecules and cells to brain systems and cognition. What is memory and where in the brain is it stored? How is memory storage accomplished? This book touches on these questions and many more, showing how the recent convergence of psychology and biology has resulted in an exciting new synthesis of knowledge about learning and remembering. Memory: From Mind to Molecules is an ideal primer for courses on learning and memory or for general readers who are interested in discovering what is currently known about one of the basic aspects of human existence.


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Titolo: Memory
Autore: Squire Larry R., Kandel Eric R.
Editore: Roberts & Co
Data di Pubblicazione: 2008
Pagine: 256
Formato: 2
ISBN: 9780981519418