Neapolitanische Bilderbibeln Des Trecento: Anjou-Buchmalerei Von Robert Dem Weisen Bis Zu Johanna I.

Brm Andreas, Andreas Bram

Presented in this book are Latin Bibles that were illuminated during the reign of King Robert of Anjou (1309-1343) and his successor Joanna I of Naples. (1343-1382). The focus is on the Planisio-Bible (Vatican Library) and the Hamilton-Bible (Berlin). The author describes in detail the Neapolitan book illuminaton in the first part of the trecento. German text.


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Titolo: Neapolitanische Bilderbibeln Des Trecento: Anjou-Buchmalerei Von Robert Dem Weisen Bis Zu Johanna I.
Autore: Brm Andreas, Andreas Bram
Editore: Dr Ludwig Reichert
Data di Pubblicazione: 2008
Pagine: 01056
ISBN: 9783895005039