Stai navigando la collana Very Short Introductions
dell'editore Oxford University Press

Questa collana contiene 12 libri.
Libri ordinati per Autore in modo Decrescente
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Four Laws That Drive the Universe

Four Laws That Drive the Universe

di Atkins Peter
The laws of thermodynamics drive everything that happens in the universe. From the sudden expansion of a cloud of gas to the cooling of hot metal, and from the unfurling of a leaf to the course of...
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Prezzo: € 15,98
Editore: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199232369
Collana: Very Short Introductions
Anno Edizione: 2007
Languages: A Very Short Introduction

Languages: A Very Short Introduction

di Anderson Stephen
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Prezzo: € 12,50
Editore: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199590599
Collana: Very Short Introductions
Anno Edizione: 2012