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Abbiamo trovato 6 libri cercando Bailey Kathleen M..

Focus on the Language Classroom: An Introduction to Classroom Research for Language Teachers

Focus on the Language Classroom: An Introduction to Classroom Research for Language Teachers

di Bailey Kathleen M., Allwright Richard, Dick Allwright
Sets out to define the aims, principles, and objectives of classroom research, and relate these to teaching practice.
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Prezzo: € 31,51
Editore: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521269094
Anno Edizione: 1991
Language Teacher Supervision: A Case-Based Approach

Language Teacher Supervision: A Case-Based Approach

di Kathleen M., Bailey
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Prezzo: € 46,95
Editore: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521547451
Anno Edizione: 2006
Language Teacher Supervision: A Case-Based Approach

Language Teacher Supervision: A Case-Based Approach

di Kathleen M., Bailey
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Prezzo: € 113,70
Editore: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521838689
Anno Edizione: 2006
Pursuing Professional Development: The Self as Source

Pursuing Professional Development: The Self as Source

di Andy Curtis, Curtis Andrew, Bailey Kathleen M.
Based on the belief that teachers ultimately are responsible for their own professional development, this book explores the concept of reflective teaching and provides practical advice on how to...
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Prezzo: € 38,48
Editore: Heinle & Heinle Publishers
ISBN: 9780838411308
Anno Edizione: 2001
Learning about Language Assessment: Dilemmas, Decisions, and Directions

Learning about Language Assessment: Dilemmas, Decisions, and Directions

di Kathleen M. Bailey, Bailey
Learning About Language Assessment is one volume of the authoritative 13-title TeacherSource Series. The author examines the issue of classroom assessment form three distinct perspectives: Teachers'...
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Prezzo: € 40,06
Editore: Heinle & Heinle Publishers
ISBN: 9780838466889
Anno Edizione: 1997
Content-Based Instruction for Lanuage Learners (ELT Advantage Subscription)

Content-Based Instruction for Lanuage Learners (ELT Advantage Subscription)

di Kathleen M., Bailey
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Prezzo: € 40,00
Editore: Heinle
ISBN: 9781424008667
Anno Edizione: 2007