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Abbiamo trovato 2 libri cercando F. Gary Cunningham.

Williams Obstetrics

Williams Obstetrics

di F. Gary Cunningham, Kenneth Leveno, Steven Bloom
The world's bestselling obstetrics book - now with a greater emphasis on maternal-fetal medicine Williams Obstetrics is the most detailed, comprehensive, and rigorously referenced text on the...
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Prezzo: € 171,39
Editore: McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN: 9781259644320
Anno Edizione:
Williams Obstetrics 26e

Williams Obstetrics 26e

di F. Gary Cunningham, Kenneth Leveno, Jodi Dashe
The landmark text that has served generations of obstetrician-gynecologists-fully updated with the most current perspectives of the field Williams Obstetrics has defined the discipline for...
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Prezzo: € 170,10
Editore: McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN: 9781260462739
Anno Edizione: