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Abbiamo trovato 5 libri cercando Peter Vergo.

Art in Vienna. Ediz. illustrata

Art in Vienna. Ediz. illustrata

di Vergo Peter
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Prezzo: € 35,00
Editore: Phaidon
ISBN: 9780714829678
Anno Edizione: 2002
That Divine Order. Music and visual arts from antiquity to the eighteenth century

That Divine Order. Music and visual arts from antiquity to the eighteenth century

di Peter Vergo
A work that examines the relationship between music and the visual arts from antiquity to the 18th century; exploring how it was conceived by artists and musicians, by critics and theorists of art.
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Prezzo: € 69,95
Editore: Phaidon
ISBN: 9780714843513
Anno Edizione: 2005
The music of painting. Music, modernism and the visual arts from the tromantics to John Cage

The music of painting. Music, modernism and the visual arts from the tromantics to John Cage

di Peter Vergo
"The music of painting" esamina il rapporto tra musica e arti visive, dal romanticismo a John Cage.
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Prezzo: € 29,95
Editore: Phaidon
ISBN: 9780714863863
Collana: ARTE
Anno Edizione: 2012
Art in Vienna 1898-1918

Art in Vienna 1898-1918

di Peter Vergo
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Prezzo: € 49,95
Editore: Phaidon
ISBN: 9780714868783
Anno Edizione: 2015