Led by the Hand of Christ: A Woman's Journey to Paradise-And Back

Led by the Hand of Christ: A Woman's Journey to Paradise-And Back

"Christ smiled, his face alight with joy and love as he took my hand."Thus begins one of the most detailed journeys to the spirit world ever recorded. When Suzanne Freeman found herself floating against the ceiling of a hospital operating room in 1999, she knew in an instant that she had died.Yet Suzanne couldn't take her eyes from her body lying on the stainless steel surgery table. She was determined to return to it. She had a husband and seven children who needed her.As Suzanne turned back toward her body to enter it again, she was stopped abruptly. She turned to see a hand wrapped around her arm -- a hand with a puncture wound -- the hand of Jesus Christ. The Savior took her by the hand and led her to Paradise, where she was greeted by family, friends and many others, who emphasized simple yet valuable eternal truths.Suzanne's journey to Paradise -- and back -- will open readers' hearts to the great love and concern the Savior has for each of us.
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