The way home

The way home

LEATHER CAMB.ENG.READ WAY HOME L6: Modern, original fiction for learners of English. Seven journeys which change lives for ever. A New York fashion buyer returns to her English home. A successful author meets an old friend. A reporter travels to an execution. A lorry driver gives an escaped prisoner a lift. A taxi driver picks up 'Bruce Lee'. A man's love for a tram driver leads him to follow her. And four strangers meet at a motel for the first and last time.Modern, original fiction for learners of English. Seven journeys which change lives for ever. New York fashion buyer returns to her home. A successful author meets an old friend. A reporter travels to an execution. A lorry driver gives an escaped prisoner to lift. A taxi driver picks up ' Bruce Lee '. A man's love for a tram driver leads him to follow her. And four strangers meet at a motel for the first and last time.
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