Ultimate Realistic Rock: Book & 2 CDs [With CD]

Ultimate Realistic Rock: Book & 2 CDs [With CD]

Drumming legend Carmine Appice has once again updated the best-selling drumset book in the history of rock drumming. In addition to the classic information of basic rock rhythms and polyrhythms, linear rudiments and groupings, hi-hat and double bass drum exercises, and shuffle rhythms and syncopation exercises, Carmine has updated this classic package by adding over 20 new pages and a second CD of fresh material. Now on two CDs, this classic recording has been re-mastered, and three new play-along tracks have been added, along with new audio examples that correspond with the new sections on odd-time signatures, hands and feet combination exercises, and a new rave/dance section.
Al momento non disponibile, ordinabile in 3 settimane circa

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